  Public Ticket #1744020
Booking form directly showing the dates


  • Mlk started the conversation

    Hi, pre-purchase question.

    Is it possible to directly show the available dates to the customer as the first screen? Instead of asking them to choose service/employee? This is a scenario where there is always only one service and one employee offering this, so no need to choose a service or an employee for the customers.

    Thank you in advance

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Mlk,
    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Yes it is possible. When you have just one service and just one employee, booking form will show date picker initially.

    If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.

  • Mlk replied

    Thank you Milos. So does this mean, when the customer is on my website, they will immediately see the monthly schedule and click on a date? I don't want to force them to click a drop-down menu. This is really important and I will purchase after being sure on this. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Mlk,

    Yes it's working like that when you have just one Employee and one Service on the plugin.