  Public Ticket #1727306
Zip Code


  •  1
    alaez90 started the conversation

    Hey,I have an other question. Is possible add a button or option for find zip code?

    I need reserve first, for service, and after for zip code and after employees, etc.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi alaez90,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    Can you please describe your question in more details because I didn't understand it quite well. On what ZIP code you exactly mean?

  •  1
    alaez90 replied

    I need a filter or some option to look for employees by zip code

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi alaez90,

    Unfortunately something like that is not possible out of the box features. At the moment there is no option even to add a ZIP code to the employee.

  •  1
    alaez90 replied

    and finally. Would it be possible to change the options of "numbers of persons" to "numbers of pieces" for example?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi alaex90,

    Yes, you can change this in .po files with English translation using the Poedit.