  Public Ticket #1725565
Custom break lengths


  • piramistana started the conversation

    Dear Support!

    I want to set custom break length, I mean different from the Default Time Slot Step.

    For example:

    Default Time Slot Step: 

    1,5 hour

    Break length: 30 min

    Thank you in advance!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi piramistana,

    Unfortunately something like this isn't possible, but if you want to set Default Time Slot Step 1,5 hour because of the service duration, we have implemented a new feature (that will be included in our next update) where you will be able to set for time slots on the booking form to follow the service length. For now you can set Default Time Slot Step 30 minutes and set service duration for 1,5 hour but the new release will be very soon.