  Public Ticket #1723110
Time Zone Allowance


  • Collin started the conversation

    Hi there. Great plugin.

    I like the fact that depending on your timezone, every person's phone number is highlighted with their country code in the system and on the interfaces. ("Default phone country code:  > Identify country code by user's IP address")

    My question is, if a client is in a different country code, say, Japan, and we're located in Jamaica, and we set our open hours for work, so that we can communicate with them over Skype or some other meeting software, will they in Japan see the hours in their time?

    We want to know that if they want to book us during our working hours, that the time for booking, as they access our appointment times on our website, will show up on their computer as their equivalent time, so that the meeting can happen with both parties arriving to the virtual meeting at the correct time.

    If this is not catered for currently, then it would probably mean that for each booking made, we, the administrators will have to calculate the correct time, and email or call the client who booked, and let them know the time they should arrive for the virtual meeting.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Collin,

    Thank you!

    Unfortunately we don't have this option at the moment. When client books an appointment he sees your time zone and working hours in your time zone. However we plan to implement this for some of our future releases.