  Public Ticket #1718347
Customizing Amelia's Fonts


  • Collin started the conversation

    Hi there. I'd like to switch Amelia's fonts in the settings area, to the fonts that we are using on the website, which are Roboto Slab, and Cormorant Garamond. We'd probably prefer the switch-out to Roboto Slab.

    How can I do this? And if not, via an easy pull-down switch or so, can you tell me at least how to insert it in some code area somewhere, to achieve the desired outcome?

    Been staring at the one paragraph at the end entitled 'Font' for a while and also looking around all over the place, but I think my head's just gonna explode (https://wpamelia.com/customize-design).

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Collin,

    It can't be done from the plugin's backend but there is a workaround for this. In one of the future releases we will probably add an option on customize page so you will be able to choose if you want to use theme's font or Amelia font.

    For now just go in file ../wp-content/uploads/amelia/css/amelia-booking.css from FTP or cPanel and replace all:

    font-family: Lato;


    font-family: 'Roboto Slab',Georgia,"Times New Roman",serif;

    After that clear the browser cache to see changes immediataely or refresh the page with CTRL+F5 (Windows and Linux) or ⌘ Cmd and ⇧ Shift key and then press R on Mac.