  Public Ticket #1717581
Email Notification


  •  7
    Johanna started the conversation


    I'm wondering if there is any possibility to include the Total Cost of the actual booking into the Email Notification?

    I'd like to use this for the case that my client uses a Coupon. I would like to confirm that the cost ist different from the regular cost (or even for free) via the Email Notification.

    Thank you!


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Johanna,

    You can use %appointment_price% placeholder to add the total cost of the booking in email notification.

  •  7
    Johanna replied

    Hi Milos,

    thanks for your quick reply.

    I have tried using the %appointment_price% placeholder before. And now again in different varieties. In the Email Notification is alway shown the regular price of the cosen service though.

    Meaning, if the servie costs € 85 regularly and I use a Coupon with 30% discount the total cost is €60 but the placeholder %appointment_price% shows € 85.  Its the same situation if I use a deduction coupon.

    The placeholders %appointment_price% and %service_price% always show the same value, in this case € 85.

    Do you have any idea what might me the reason?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Johanna,

    You are right. We will include the coupon discount/deduction in this %appointment_price% for the next update.

  •  7
    Johanna replied

    Ok, great.

    Thank you!