  Public Ticket #1717396
Catalog with Dark Background


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    Craig McColl started the conversation

    The Catalog front end is unusable with a dark background. It creates a white balloon pop-up on hovering over the category, with white text. The white text is unreadable on this balloon, but it is necessary for other parts of the front end.

    The balloon should use a dark text, if the balloon is used at all, but the balloon itself seems totally unnecessary, as it only repeats what the cursor is hovering over.

    These aspects of the front end should be customisable (balloon background colour, and balloon text colour).

    For now, I will simply avoid the catalog view.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Craig McColl,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    Can you please send us link of the page with the dark background and catalog view so I can see what exactly what it look like?

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    Craig McColl replied

    I will have to recreate the page... Will send a link soon.

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    Craig McColl replied

    Try this link.... The setup is a bit odd, and the page is likely to change, because I was experimenting with using employees as categories. But for now it shows the problem.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Craig McColl,

    OK I see that it's not so good. Can you please provide us screenshots what would you like to change. I don't know if you see but there are colors on the customize page. Maybe we can add some of these colors changes on the catalog view also?

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    Craig McColl replied

    Hi there... You offer two text colors in the customisation page: a basic default color (text color 1) and another one for when it is used on a background (text color 2). The one being used on the white balloon is (I assume) the one I chose for use on a dark background (text color 2). I can fix the catalog view by changing that text to dark, but then the text used for picking the date and so on will be too dark to see in other parts of the front end. The problem is forced combination of the white balloon and the text color 2, based on the assumption that sites will have a light background.

    The balloons strike me as unneeded anyway, so it would be fine to make them disappear, but if I have to have them I should be able to choose the balloon background color or choose the balloon text color (without changing other text) or I should be able to specify both.

    Is there a specific style for the balloon text, that could be overridden with a <style> tag, or is it a re-use of the same text style used elsewhere?

    The other solution is for me to make the catalog page switch to a light background (but that would make it different to the rest of the site).

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    Craig McColl replied

    There is a similar issue in other parts of the catalog view, where my dark text is used  on a dark background. If I make this light, it will not show up on the normal white background that appears behind "please select service".

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    Craig McColl replied

    See my customize page attached. Fixing the catalog view would require switching the dark text and the light text.

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    Craig McColl replied

    The dark text on the dark (transparent?) background of the catalog can be fixed with an addition to the style tag, adding:

     div.am-category {background: #88CCEE;} div.am-category-service {background: #88CCEE;}

    to give:

    <style>div.am-service-info-column > div:nth-of-type(3) {display: none !important;} div.am-service-data div.am-service-info > div:nth-of-type(1) {display: none !important; } div.am-category {background: #88CCEE;} div.am-category-service {background: #88CCEE;}</style>

    The color is not optimal, but that can be tweaked. Similar changes could fix the balloon color or make it hidden.

    Ideally, these parameters should be adjustable in the customization page.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Craig McColl,

    We will take a look at this issue in one of the next updates. Thank you for reporting and clarifying