  Public Ticket #1710120
Idee of meliorations to make


  • Philippe started the conversation


    Hi have some idee for some ameliorations to make the plugin Amelia works great.

    1) In the calendar, the possibilité to click on the display of calendar to take a rendez-vous.

    2) In the calendar, the possibility to display name and first name on the display

    3) Add a rendez-vous with Google Celendar.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Philippe,

    Thank you for your suggestion and ideas. We have our feature list here so you can suggest us features there and we will include them on the list.

    Can you please explain me more 1st and 2nd suggestion because I am afraid that I didn't understand you.

    As for the 3rd suggestion something like this unfortunately isn't possible. It is possible to remove busy slots from Amelia calendar that are occupied with some events created in the Google Calendar, but it is not possible to add appointments from the Google Calendar.

  • Philippe replied

    1) When you are on the Amelia Calendar, it will be good to have the possibility to click on the good

    time slot to add directly a new appointment. (Time saving).
    2) In the Amelia Calendar, the possibility to display on an appointment the name and the first name of the patient which had make an appointment
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Philippe,

    Thank you for this explanations.

    1) Something like this isn't possible as there is a step after where customer needs to enter their name, surname and email, or confirm existing information if it is an existing user logged in the WordPress.

    2) This is visible on the back-end Amelia Calendar. If you meant on the front calendar on the booking form, something like this unfortunately wouldn't be possible.

  • [deleted] replied


    We would appreciate a lot if you could take some time and help us make Amelia even better by answering 10 quick questions about your user experience. It will only take 2 minutes for you, but will mean a lot for us to understand our customers better! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/87ZGC5R.

    Thank you!