  Public Ticket #1702600
booking form long loading


  •  4
    sallykwth started the conversation


    I've two problems

    First the booking page is loading normally, but the Amelia booking form takes some seconds to be appeared.. and sometimes it seems an-normal. So any suggestions ?

    Second I cannot change Amelia theme's colors.. page says: error 500 



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Sally,

    "First the booking page is loading normally, but the Amelia booking form takes some seconds to be appeared.. and sometimes it seems an-normal. So any suggestions?"

    - Can you please send me the page with booking form so I can take a look?

    "Second I cannot change Amelia theme's colors.. page says: error 500"

    - Please provide me a temporary WP-admin login for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s the most efficient way to see and resolve the issue. We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course we do not provide login data to third party. You can write credentials here just check PRIVATE so nobody can see them except us.

  •   sallykwth replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi sallykwth,

    "sometimes the amelia's booking form takes over 10 seconds to load, after the whole page load done."

    - This is related with server performance. If the server is shared probably it needs a longer time to process the request and return the response. There are two Ajax calls on the booking form and it need a time to return the data. For the next version we will add loader so it will not be just blank until booking form is appeared. Also for me it never took more than 3 seconds to load.

    "and the color change issue still appears."

    - I have tried this and I didn't have any issues. I changed the color from the Customize page to green without any issues. You can see on you booking page that now is green. Can you try one more time is it happening? 

  •  4
    sallykwth replied


    Thank you for the color changing. This is what I wanted it, I will keep it as it is.

    Regards the Ajax loading problem, is there any suggestion for an effective plugin that can fix it ?

    Many thanks



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Sally,

    "Thank you for the color changing. This is what I wanted it, I will keep it as it is."

    - You are welcome.

    "Regards the Ajax loading problem, is there any suggestion for an effective plugin that can fix it ?"

    - Something like that can't be fixed with the any plugin because it is related to server performance. If server have better performance then the loading speed will be better. We will add loader for the next update, until the data is not loaded from the server so it will not be just blank white screen.