  Public Ticket #1697287
Afficher le calendrier


  •  2
    tennisclubCugnaux started the conversation


    Je souhaite pouvoir afficher tout le calendrier des RDVs, pris ou  non pris.

    Est ce possible ? 

    Est-il possible de modifier la page de prise de RDVs ? j'aurai besoin d'ajouter un autre filtre.


  • [deleted] replied


    Can you please write this on English as we cannot understand you. Thank you.

  •  2
    tennisclubCugnaux replied


    I would like to display, from frontend, the calendar, so that users can see all the RDVs taken or not.

    And i would like to add, to frontend, when booking an another filter. 

    Thank you 

  • [deleted] replied


    Could you please tell me what are RDVs?

    As for the adding the new filter, on the Booking form it is possible only to have service, location and employee filter at the moment. If you need more filters maybe the Search page is better for you. Please follow this link https://wpamelia.com/booking-search/ to see how you can post a Search shortcode and display the page with more filters.

  •  2
    tennisclubCugnaux replied


    I would like to display, from frontend, the calendar, so that users can see all the RDVs taken or not.

    And i would like to add, to frontend, when booking an another filter. 

    Thank you 

  •  2
    tennisclubCugnaux replied

    Could you please tell me what are RDVs? 
    RDVs are appointment.

    As for the adding the new filter, on the Booking form it is possible only to have service, location and employee filter at the moment. If you need more filters maybe the Search page is better for you. Please follow this link https://wpamelia.com/booking-search/ to see how you can post a Search shortcode and display the page with more filters.

    I already saw what i could do with the search page, but that's not what I want...

    Are there any changes that will be made to the Amelia plugin?

  • [deleted] replied


    Thank you for your explanation.

    Unfortunately at the moment something like this isn't possible, but you can display all the available time slots. We are continuously working on the new features and updates so we have more features in our plans for the future versions. It would be great if you could suggest these features on our features list here so we can track the votes and reconsider it for the future versions.