  Public Ticket #1693626
Name and address fields splitting


  • skiwi123nl started the conversation


    I just purchased WP DataTables and the Gravityforms addon.

    I can add name and address fields to the table but I can't find a way to split or use only a part of these fields.

    For example the name and address field have multiple sub fields like first name. last name and address city country.

    I want a column first name, last name, City, Country in the table.

    So name needs to be split up in 2 and address needs to remove the street address.

    How to do this?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi skiwi123nl,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    Unfortunately in the current version this is not possible. It could be achieved with some custom coding. If you are familiar with PHP you can take a look at ../wp-content/plugins/wdt-gravity-integration/wdt-gravity-integration.php file and prepareFieldsData function in it and try to customize this by your needs.

  • skiwi123nl replied

    I managed to get the data with mysql query.

    Can I get a refund for the gravityforms extension?


  •   [deleted] replied privately