  Public Ticket #1690368
Translation of emilia


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    svanelykke3 started the conversation


    First thank you for your very nice plugin and your good support. we are almost finish for setup now.

    How can I translate H (Hour)

    Employee status: (away....)

    New category

    (Customer) Invalid date

    E-mail notifikationer: (title to customer ect.)

    We can not find it the PO file

    Thank you.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi svanelykke3,

    Can you please provide me screenshots so I can see where these strings are located in the plugin?

  •  2
    svanelykke3 replied

    Thank you.

    Here is first 4

  •  2
    svanelykke3 replied

    Here is the last two.

    Thank you.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi svanelykke3,

    category.png - We will add this in the next update.

    e-mail not.png - These strings can be found in poedit. Can you please try to deactivate/activate the plugin and see if these words will be translated? If that doesn't help go to your database and find the table wp_amelia_notifications. Remove all rows from this table and then deactivate/activate plugin again. Then these strings will be translated.

    away.png - We will add this in the next update.

    h.png - We will add this in the next update.

    pending.png - We will add this in the next update.

    Payment.png - We will add this in the next update.

  •  2
    svanelykke3 replied

    Thank you.

    All my other plugin have auto updates. Then I am not use time to download plugin and upload the folder. It will be very nice if you can changes this next update.

    Is this possible?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi svanelykke3,

    Yes we also plan to add auto update feature.

  •  2
    svanelykke3 replied

    Thank you nice to hear