  Public Ticket #1688459


  • ade started the conversation

    I've set up the plugin Amelia as the documentation instructs. But on the Frontend it's always showing up with no data. Please can you advise how to fix and if i am doing anything wrong. Thanks

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi ade,

    Please provide me a temporary WP-admin login for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s the most efficient way to see and resolve the issue. We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course we do not provide login data to third party. You can write credentials here just check Private Reply so nobody can see them except us.

  •   ade replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi ade,

    Can you tell me have you inserted one of our shortcodes to one of your pages so you can show a booking form?

  • ade replied

    Hi Amelia, sorry for the late response. Yes I have and you can see them in action here. https://eph2.adeolamedia.com

    I have a couple of questions?

    • The images looks skewed, how can i fix that
    • Can I use custom fonts?
    • The service name abbreviation is too long on some of my services, how can i fix this?
    • On the booking page can I left align the details under service info? They look to far away from the description.

    I Have attached screenshots.

  • ade replied

    Sorry I called you Amelia. lol. Isidora.

    And one more question can customers get an SMS message once booking is made and confirmed?

  • ade replied

    Another question pls. Can I import my appointments from another plugin from our previous site into Amelia?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ade,

    "The images looks skewed, how can i fix that"
    Did you mean on this picture I have sent you in the attachment? If you meant on that picture we will fix it and include it in our next release.

    "Can I use custom fonts?"
    Unfortunately something like this isn't possible but we have added this idea on our features list here, so it would be great if you could vote for it. 

    "The service name abbreviation is too long on some of my services, how can i fix this?"
    Thank you for reporting this, we will fix it and also include it our future release.

    "On the booking page can I left align the details under service info? They look to far away from the description."
    Something like this isn't possible but we will reconsider this change for the future versions.

    "Can customers get an SMS message once booking is made and confirmed?"
    SMS messages are not supported at the moment but as this is one of the most requested features it is on our To Do list, and we plan to include it in our plugin soon. At the moment you can send emails to your clients.

    "Can I import my appointments from another plugin from our previous site into Amelia?"
    Unfortunately no, and this would be very hard to implement as it is very complex and we are not sure that it is possible at all.

  • [deleted] replied


    We would appreciate a lot if you could take some time and help us make Amelia even better by answering 10 quick questions about your user experience. It will only take 2 minutes for you, but will mean a lot for us to understand our customers better https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/87ZGC5R!

    Thank you!