  Public Ticket #1686908
Problem to changes color


  •  2
    svanelykke3 started the conversation


    We had talk about the probem, then I am changes color for the calendar. It is not possible to test it in IE, Firefox and chrome.

    Because there is a cash problem with the plugin.

    We had clear cash with shift + F5 and delete files. It will not help.

    I hope you will fix that problem and make a update.

    Thank you.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi svanelykke3,

    Can we schedule TeamViewer meeting so I can take a look at the issue from your computer?

  •  2
    svanelykke3 replied

    OK Thank you - I can 10.30 danish time friday. My time is now 13:42 Then you can see we had same time.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi svanelykke3,

    Can we do it tomorrow at 11:30? I am not available before.

  •  2
    svanelykke3 replied

    No problem,

    I will sent you ID and code short before 11.30

    Thank you

  •  2
    svanelykke3 replied

    Thank you for good service