  Public Ticket #1685680
Custom categories


  •  2
    kiprasbiel started the conversation

    Hello, I want to create custom categories, so that the service could theoretically be assigned to multiple categories. I asked similar question before, so I know that there is no simple solution to this, but still I need it. 

    So maybe there is a way to insert only one service to a page. Current "catalog > show specific service" is not suitable, because it shows the service as a page and not as a loop item. I want to be able to insert a service that would look like this (capture1). So that I could make my own category made from custom items (capture2)

    Second option would be the ability to choose which services are displayed in the Booking widget. If this would be possible I could create my service categories without the concern of those services repeating ir the Booking widget. 

    Also, maybe there is a completely different approach to this issue? 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi kiprasbiel,

    Unfortunately something like this isn't possible at the moment. Maybe you can try by hiding the services you don't want to show, but currently services cannot be a part of multiple categories. It would be great if you could suggest this feature on our features list here. We plan to follow our customers needs and implement the most requested features firs.