  Public Ticket #1682378
Google calendar syncing


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    Dr. Alexander ezzati started the conversation


    I bought this plugin so that I can use the google calendar system which I currently use for all my appointments everyday.  I have successfully followed all the steps, oauth, redirect, even verified domain with google.  when i look in googles metrics it does not show any API activity.  i have triple checked everything and I am certain I followed all the steps correctly.  I made a test appointment before setting up google calendar, and I just tried another test appointment after setting up google calendar in the amelia settings. 

    there is no syncing with google calendar so far.

    please help me get these fixed asap as I only bought this for google calendar syncing support.  thanks

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Dr. Alexander ezzati,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    Did you connect the employee with the Google Calendar? When you add Google Client ID and Google Client Secret, then you have to edit the employee and connect it with the Google Account. When you connect it with the Google Account then you will be able to choose one of the available calendars that are connected to this account.

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    Dr. Alexander ezzati replied

    i was able to get it working.. i had to go to employees, edit, and then connect the calendar from there.  wish this was in the documentation after the oauth and secret code.  i was under the impression this had two way sync so that it would read google calendar appointments.  is this supposed to be only 1 way?

    finally, if i book in a browser and then come back to book again in the same browser no cache cleared, the form remembers me and does not let me edit the name or email field, and then you can only input 1 number in the phone # and then it blocks off that one too.  please help thanks

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Dr. Alexander ezzati,

    "i was able to get it working.. i had to go to employees, edit, and then connect the calendar from there.  wish this was in the documentation after the oauth and secret code."

    - We will update the documentation and add text that you need to connect the employee with the Google Account.

    "i was under the impression this had two way sync so that it would read google calendar appointments.  is this supposed to be only 1 way?"

    - From version 1.2 that was released yesterday we have added 2 way Google Calendar synchronization. That means that if you check option on Google Calendar settings called "Remove Google Calendar Busy Slots" that all time slots that are occupied in employee's Google Calendar will be removed from Amelia time slots. Can you please describe us in more details what do you consider by Google Calendar 2 way synchronization, so we could see if something like that is possible to develop in on of the future updates. 

    "finally, if i book in a browser and then come back to book again in the same browser no cache cleared, the form remembers me and does not let me edit the name or email field, and then you can only input 1 number in the phone # and then it blocks off that one too.  please help thanks"

    - That is happening because you are logged-in on WordPress. When your customers make appointments probably they will not be logged-in so these fields will not be disabled. But if your customers are logged in as WordPress users, these fields will be pre-populated when they book the appointment for the first time with information from their WordPress user. When they book the appointment after first time, these fields will be disabled and pre-populated with information that they entered first time.

    To fix the issue with Phone Number, when you enter the one number and it gets disabled, please update the plugin to version 1.2.

    If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask.

  •   Dr. Alexander ezzati replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi  Dr. Alexander ezzati,

    Thank you for your suggestion, we will take a look and update the documentation.

    1. Usually the time slots are bigger so continue button is visible at any time, so maybe you can choose a bigger default time slot for now?

    2. Unfortunately the Calendar and time slots are designed like that. We carefully follow our customers votes on ourfeatures list so depending on customers needs we will maybe develop a Calendar shortcode in the future and make a bigger calendar.

  •  1
    Dr. Alexander ezzati replied

    ok thanks.. i put my suggestion in features list i really hope you consider making the size changes as the UI is most important part of the booking experience.. everything else seems to work fine :)  thank you

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Dr. Alexander ezzati,

    Thank you for placing the suggestion. We will give our best to do everything we can.