  Public Ticket #1682076
Custom questions in booking?


  •  1
    clifhirtle started the conversation

    is there any way to add custom forms or questions into my Amelia booking process? Is seems that service extras is as close as it gets? What if I have other forms already created through a different plugin, any way to integrate them with Amelia?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi clifhirtle,

    Thank you for your purchase.

    Unfortunately something like this isn't possible at the moment but as this is one of the most requested features we plan to release it as soon as possible. You can track our plans here and also suggest or vote for the features.

  • [deleted] replied


    We would appreciate a lot if you could take some time and help us make Amelia even better by answering 10 quick questions about your user experience. It will only take 2 minutes for you, but will mean a lot for us to understand our customers better! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/87ZGC5R

    Thank you!