  Public Ticket #1681147
Appointment cancellation by customer


  • decpro350 started the conversation

    I am creating documentation for the client that I am creating the website for and I need to understand how the cancellation redirects work so I can document it.  Here is the question: Once a client creates an appointment, and the default setting on the backend is APPROVED, how are they able to cancel the appointment on the website, which would explain the need for the redirect pages. I don't see anything in the documentation that explains this. Please advise.

  • decpro350 replied

    After a more thorough review of the documentation I discovered the Cancel Appointment URL shortcode that can be embedded in the notification email sent to to customer. This shortcode, however, generates a long url string in the email. To resolve this, I created link text, e.g. "Click here to cancel appointment" and embedded the shortcode as the link. I am sure that I am not the only one that figured this out but I thought I would share this information anyway.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Henry,

    I am glad that you figured this out and solved the problem. If you have anymore questions don't hesitate to ask!