  Public Ticket #1680339
Canceled appointments


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    aido54 started the conversation


    How do I explain to myself how to cancel a reservation for a customer ? I can not find a page "My account ..."?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hello aido54,

    I am not sure if I understood you correctly.

    You can reject appointment by changing the status to Reject on the appointment page (more about it you can read here). Your customer can cancel the appointment on two ways:

    1) customer can cancel through the cancel URL link in the email (more about it you can read here). To set this you need to enable email notifications, put the %appointment_cancel_url% placeholder in the link and every time that email is send to customer he will see the link and be able to cancel the appointment

    2) customer can log in in the back-end panel and on the appointments page click Cancel button beside the appointment. To be able to do this you need to add customer WordPress user role for each customer so they can log in in the back-end panel of WordPress and cancel the appointment. More about the roles you can read here.

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    aido54 replied

    Yes you understand me! I followed this procedure but on the account "Client" no link appears to access reservations on the client side.

    In the email notification, I do not have a cancellation link either.

    Can you help me ?

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello aido54,

    Please follow the explanation below:

    • Go to the Setting page, under the Notification Settings set Mail Service and fill the rest of the option (you can find explanation for every mail service here). If you don't want to configure all of them choose the PHP mail because it is the easiest to use.
    • In the Notification Settings enable the option Notify the customer(s) by default.
    • Then go to Email notifications page. If you want to send the cancel URL in the Appointment Approved notification, mark it, you will see a Message of the email on the right. 
    • Then click on the </> Show Email Codes button in the upper right corner, the dialog with placeholders will appear.
    • Click on the first placeholder  %appointment_cancel_url% to copy it.
    • Paste it in the Message, and click Save.
    • After the appointment is scheduled (with Approved status) your customer will receive an email with this cancel link.

    You can do the same for every email (Pending, Rescheduled etc.), it depends in which email you want to send this link.

  •  1
    aido54 replied


    Thank you for your reply.

    I understood everything, thank you very much!

    Can you help me again please?

    I would like to disable the option "Come with someone?", How should I proceed?

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied


    Great, you are welcome. 

    If you don't want to show option Bringing anyone with you, you need to configure in Service dialog minimum and maximum capacity as 1.

  •  1
    aido54 replied


    Mais en fait, se sont des cours collectifs pour lesquels il y a 9 places disponibles mais qui sont réservés individuellement par nos clients. Ils ne peuvent pas venir accompagnés.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi aido54,

    Can you please write this in English.


  •  1
    aido54 replied


    In fact, there are group classes for which there are 9 places available They can not come accompanied.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi aido54,

    At the moment Bringing anyone with you option cannot be hidden if the capacity of the service is larger than 1. We will think about implementing a new option for this. In the meantime, it would be great if you could suggest this feature on our features list here. We plan to follow our customers' needs and implement the most requested features first.

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    aido54 replied

    Okay, thank you very much. I finally decided to hide it via a CSS code that is waiting for the option /

    .el-col-18 {
        visibility: hidden;
    .el-col-6 {
        visibility: hidden;

    Thank you for your help.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi aldo54,

    You need more precise selecter if you don't want to remove other elements with that class. You can add this CSS:

    #am-step-booking .el-col-18 {
        visibility: hidden;
    #am-step-booking .el-col-6 {
        visibility: hidden;
  • [deleted] replied


    We would appreciate a lot if you could take some time and help us make Amelia even better by answering 10 quick questions about your user experience. It will only take 2 minutes for you, but will mean a lot for us to understand our customers better! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/87ZGC5R

    Thank you!