  Public Ticket #1662119
Select row and use in forms?


  • Ruan De Lange started the conversation


    Really nice plugin!

    I just want to find out if you can select a row(or multiple) and use it in a form?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ruan De Lange,
    Thank you for the inquiry.

    It is possible to select one row, but it is not possible to select multiple rows. When you select row, you can click edit button and the data of the selected row will be appeared in the modal where you will be able to edit them.

    You can try our sandbox site: Front-end & Back-end - you can find a fully functional version there to try out all plugin features.

  • Ruan De Lange replied


    I did take a look at the sandbox and I see the select is enabled with edit, what i'm trying to find out is if a column value from the selected row can be used on another form(not the edit modal form) or maybe saved to a variable and displayed somewhere else?

    Example: Select a row in the table an show a form with the first column value as a heading

    Many thanks 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ruan De Lange,

    Unfortunately something like that is not possible with out of the box features, but it can be achieved with some custom coding.