  Public Ticket #1641834
Shortcodes interference


  • paragate started the conversation


    How come that two or more shortcodes on the same pages is not possible? I use Elementor Pro shortcode widget.

    [ameliacatalog category=1]

    [ameliacatalog category=2]

    Kind Regards Henrik

  • [deleted] replied


    Thank you for your purchase.

    You can use the Catalog shortcode to show categories. At the moment it is possible to show all or just one category with a single shortcode (more about it you can read here) , but if you want to show just two of them, you can hide the rest of your categories by hiding the services that belongs to that category. In that way, the services and categories will still be visible on the back-end of the plugin, but they will not be visible on the front-end pages.

    As for the problem with two shortcodes, we will investigate this issue and try to solve it for future update.