  Public Ticket #1638727
make an event appear on a specific date​


  • paragate started the conversation


    I have to use the plugin for daily cources, but i can not figure out  how to set an event so it only appear on a given date and not for alle dates. Is there a kind of date slot as there are a time for each event/service

    Regards henrik

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Henrik,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    If I understand you correctly you want to set that you customers can book an appointment just for the given dates and not for all dates? 

    You can set that your customers can book your the appointment only on e.g. Monday, Wednesday and Friday and not for the other days, by changing employee's working hours. Unfortunately, in the current version, it is not possible to make appointment bookable just for the specific days (e.g. 15 July, 24 July...).

    You can propose or vote for a feature that you would like to see in the future updates on the https://wpamelia.cnflx.io. Top rated features will be developed for the future updates.