  Public Ticket #1614117
Remove the Sum Lable


  •  2
    echabok started the conversation

    Hi there, is it possible to remove the “Sigma =” sign from the number and show only the number itself. Currently you can only change/replace the label and not removing it. Reason for this is to use the shortcode for calculation (For example: calculate Sum of one column from table A + Sum of another column from table B in a wordpress post). Appreciate if you can guide me through this.

    P.S. Will be using “Calculate Values with Shortcodes Plugin” for calculation!


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi echabok,
    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Unfortunately it is not possible to show just the sum without some character. There should be at least one character that will be shown before SUM value, but something like that can be easily coded so it will show just number without any character before the value.