  Public Ticket #1600461
JS Filtering & Chart Pagination


  • Kim started the conversation


    First of all, congrats on your amazing plugin and website. I have started exploring it and am impressed by how well organized everything is. I particularly liked the sandbox feature.

    Despite looking through all your resources, I still have a few questions before I commit to using your plugin in our project:

    1. Filtering through JS

    I will display a table #1 on the page that has a link for each row that will open a popup with some additional information about that row.

    Inside that popup I will display another table #2 that needs to be filtered by a value from the table #2.

    Is it possible to filter table #2 somehow from javascript without the user selecting a filter?

    Similarly, I also want to create a custom element on the page that filters the table through a dropdown. I looked through your developer documentation but didn't find the right information.

    2. Chart Pagination

    I would like to visualize the data in a horizontal bar chart using the google charts integration. But I have over 180 rows, which makes the page very long and not usable.

    Your tables have pagination that solve the problem, but it looks like the chart doesn't.

    Is it possible to filter the chart rows? This way my developer could come up with a custom pagination function.

    Thanks, Kim

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Kim,
    Thank you for your inquire.

    We are using DataTables as one of two frontend engines and best way to start would be to check their documentation  - LINK.There is option to filter whole table or any column with their API. You can also create  custom filters with same methods. Please keep in mind that, at this point, we do not have built in functionality which will allow you to put a link to open up a modal with another table. Something like this would require writing a custom solution.

    I'm not sure that I understood you correctly but if your chart will be create from table that has 180 columns in it, it is quite possible that you will hit memory limit on the fronted and your page would become unusable. If you have 180 rows in table with smaller amount of columns you can take a look at option named Follow table filtering It will allow you to control what will be presented in the chart by filtering table from which chart was created. 

    For testing purpose we have sandbox website where you can see and test all plugin functionalities


    username: demo

    password: demo