  Public Ticket #1581680
wpDataCharts - Chart Engine Chart Types and Formattng


  •  14
    Helpdesk started the conversation


    Are all the chart engine chart types and formatting options available?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Gary,
    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Charts engines that are available are:

    All chart formatting options that are available you can see at this documentation page: WordPress charts: How to create them with a simple wizard.

    It is also possible to use other chart formatting options that are not available out of the box with wpDataCharts callback.

    You can try our sandbox site: Front-end & Back-end - you can find a fully functional version there to try out all plugin features.

  •  14
    Helpdesk replied


    Thank you for the reply.

    Do you have a simple example of a callback in the sandbox and another link for the front-end, as the link included is returning error 404?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Gary,

    You can find examples of the callback at the page I have sent you  wpDataCharts callback. Unfortunately we don't have examples of callback at the sandbox website.

  •  14
    Helpdesk replied


    Thank you for the callback page, which i have read and appears to be easy once you get started.

    For a non-developer, do you have simple getting started documentation that shows where and how you would apply an example? 



  •  14
    Helpdesk replied


    I worked out how to put the jQuery on the page and bought the wpData licence.

    What i'm now trying to do is replicate a Highcharts Cloud Donut chart where i can disable the data labels (working with the below snippet) and enable the legend, but both legend snippets don't appear to work as the legend doesn't appear.

    <script type="text/javascript">
        if( typeof wpDataChartsCallbacks == 'undefined' ){ wpDataChartsCallbacks = {}; }
        wpDataChartsCallbacks[7] = function(obj){
            obj.options.legend.enabled = true;
            obj.options.legend = { enabled: true };
            obj.options.plotOptions = { series: { dataLabels: { enabled: false } } };

    What is the correct syntax for the Highcharts legend API in the wpDataCharts callback?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Gary,

    If you bright the licence please open a ticket in wpDataTables category with your purchase key and one of our support agents will answer on your questions.