  Public Ticket #1551602
xml file


  • Daniel started the conversation

    I think your plugin requires an xml file to be in a specific format.  Is the file I'm attaching in that format?  If not, how can I get it that format if possible?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Daniel,
    Thank you for your inquire.

    Unfortunately your file is not in format that our plugin support. You can find information about format of acceptables XML along with a example file in our - Documentation.

    Best way to adjust your data whould be to create a php script which will manipulate the data and returned serialized PHP array as result which our plugin could understand - Documentation  

  • Daniel replied

    Thanks Miljko,

    If we can't work the xml in the current format but can convert to an excel file, is that better?  Can wpDataTables work better with excel files?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Daniel,

    Our plugin could create table from excel file as well. What needs to be done is to convert the data to the one which could be represent in the table, and by that I mean to be able to have single value in each row for every column.

    With the data that you currently have you have level with date, member id and under member id you have status, name, address and under adress you have multiple address line so our plugin probably wouldn't be able to determine which of these are column headers and which are data in cell. 


  • Daniel replied

    Thanks again!  Does your plugin work the same way with csv and google spreadsheet files?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Daniel,

    Under the hood all the data needs to be sorted in matrix format. What could be easier is to have some empty cells but you need to rewrite your data to contains columns in one level and not subcolumns. Maybe you could separate data in fields like address with space or newline instead of new tag/header. We are using standard tables with one level of headers and plugin just can't figure out how to place data in subheaders in that table.