  Public Ticket #1522183
editable posts datatables


  • Rizwan started the conversation

    Hi I am trying to see if data tables will be useful in my project.

    I am creating a custom post type of Events, one of the column is attendees.  I want the font end users to change the attendees and add events from front end.

    I opened your sandbox to test this functionality.

    I used "Generate a query to WordPress database" to build a query for pages and selecting page id, page author and page title.

    it came up with this query'

    SELECT posts_page.ID AS page_ID,
           posts_page.post_title AS page_post_title,
           posts_page_author.display_name AS page_post_author
    FROM wp_posts AS posts_page
      INNER JOIN wp_users AS posts_page_author
         ON posts_page_author.ID = posts_page.post_author
    WHERE 1=1    AND posts_page.post_type = 'page'

    I enabled front end editing and set page_ID as id column

    Now the table is there and all but when I try to edit it, it gives this error

    " Error! There was an error trying to update the row! Error: Unknown column 'page_ID' in 'where clause'"

    I am thinking there is something wrong with the sql query.

    Please advice what to do.

    Thank you


  • Rizwan replied

    Anyone can help with this?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Rizwan,
    Thank you for your inquire.

    At this moment you can edit data in one table at the time. Because of nature of creating a table from query we are unable to prevent turning on editing based on number of tables used in it so it will remain possible to turn on editing on such a table. Sorry for misunderstanding.

    List of limitation for table editing could be found in our - Documentation