  Public Ticket #1480681
wpdatatables search highlight


  • Sher Khan started the conversation

    Hi, i like your plugin and want to buy it..but i am confused that how it is possible to make search queries Highlighted... 

    If someone search the table, The search queries in the table should be yellow color highlighted. how it can be possible...

    please see attachment....

  • Sher Khan replied

    please reply my question?????

  •  3
    Dan replied

    It is the weekend. Anyways, what I think you are asking for - don't filter the table, just highlight rows based on search filters - is different than what wpDataTables offers off-the-shelf. The search/filter mechanisms in this plug-in filter data. As far as I'm aware you can't set up the filters to not actually filter data but instead highlight rows (once again off-the-shelf setup). They do offer conditional formatting of values, but I don't believe that is what you are asking here.

    Of course you can write jquery or maybe compensate them to write jquery to do what you are asking. 

    They can respond further when they return to work on Monday in their timezone, if there is anything else to add. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Sher Khan,
    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Yes, as Dan mentioned search/filter mechanisms is working as he explained, so with built-in features it is not possible just to highlight the cells except if you are using Excel-like based tables. This engine works like that how you described, but it does not support filters, than just global search.

    You can try our sandbox site: Front-end & Back-end - you can find a fully functional version there to try out all plugin features.

    Thank you for the reply Dan.