  Public Ticket #1467819
feature question


  • Laura started the conversation

    I am considering purchasing the premium version but I wanted to make sure it could do what I want it to. I have three concerns. Should I separate this into three tickets?

    1: I have made a sample table of what I would like the data to look like (http://www.nihbest.org/?page_id=11267&preview=true). My question is related to filtering and sorting the table. I would like people to be able to filter and sort the table (on the front-end) by filling out a form.  They would answer multiple choice questions (y/n), (rural/big city/small city),(100/200/ect). The table would then display the "institutions" that generate the most hits (showing the ones with the highest number of similar answers). My concern is that if some just selected all the desired filters there would be nothing left to display, but if the table showed the results from the highest hits, 2-3 institutions might be shown. I know this sounds complicated, perhaps there is a better way to do this.

    2: I also would like the first column (filter column) to have a hover function that would display additional information about that cell. Is that a feature?

    3: As a separate issue, i can't access my saved table. I am not having any issues with "create table", but when I go to "wpDataTables" the table I had created and saved is not visible. Nothing is (screen shoot attached).

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Laura,
    Thank you for the inquiry.

    1. I am not able to see your table because your page is draft and it's not published. Unfortunately something like this is not possible out of the box features and would require some additional custom coding. If user populates filters and there are not records it is not possible to show rows with most "hits".

    2. Not sure that I have understood your questions, but we do not have at the moment any popovers implemented in the premium version.

    3. Probably this is a conflict with some other plugin. Can you please deactivate all other plugins and see does it helps?

    You can try our sandbox site: Front-end & Back-end - you can find a fully functional version there to try out all plugin features.

  • Laura replied

    I tried deactivating all other pluggins. It did not fix the problem.

    I am running wordpress 4.3.15

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Laura,

    Maybe you should update your WordPress website. 

    When you open a developer console in your browser, do you see any JavaScript errors?