  Public Ticket #1466006
Call my custom php code when row is added or edited or deleted


  • Amit started the conversation

    Good Morning,

    Can you please create a training video or a blog post (or point it to me where it is) for how to call my custom php code to send an email when a CRUD operation is done on a table.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Amit,

    You can take a look at this section from our documentation page - link. There you can find action that you can use to achieve something like that. Action that you would use is wpdatatables_after_frontent_edit_row( $formdata, $rowId, $tableId ).

  • Amit replied

    Hello Milos, 

    I want to use wpdatatables_after_frontent_edit_row( $formdata, $rowId, $tableId ). Is there a video or document I can find how to use this hook? If you have video or documentation on how to use any other hook, I can even follow that.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Amit,

    Unfortunately we don't have any video tutorials how you should use it, but it is like any other WordPress action and filter. You can take a look at this tutorial how you can use these hooks.