  Public Ticket #1454033
Error report - missing add-on for table type "google spreadsheet"


  • Amelie Salameh started the conversation

    Dear TMS team,

    I took over the maintenance work for a website after the developer and the owner of the website got into a fight. The developer is not willing to give us any access to the logins or licenses of the plugins. That is why I cannot enter a registration code of our license to submit a ticket. 

    Nevertheless, the wpdatatables plugin has been purchased for the website but is displaying an error message popping up in the backend "Error:
    You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type." 

    The table type we are using is Google Spreadsheet. I could not find a fitting addon. Also, before I updated the plugins everything did run smoothly. Is there a way to fix this or a plugin I need to download?

    Thank you so much in advance!

    Have a good one :)

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Amelie,
    Thank you for your inquire.

    This problem occurs when we changed version of the lite plugin so it will follow the version of the full. This offered update to users which had earlier version installed and if you do update it will replace full version with lite. Usual way to fix it is to manually download  full version from Envato and reinstalled it following this tutorial - Documentation but if you do not have login credentials from Envato this is not possible. 

    Is there any way to prove that owner of the website purchased the full version of the plugin?

  • Amelie Salameh replied

    Hi Miljko,

    thanks for that fast reply. 

    Aren’t the screenshots enough of a prove? Is there maybe a license number I can access through Wordpress? I also don’t know - through the analyzing tool of a web browser? 

    I am not the most skilled developer but I can usually use a CMS program without problems so I am also not sure how to solve this or prove that we bought it. 

    Is there another way to fix the bug?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Amelie,

    Only thing that come to my mind is the username or account name of the developer that both it. Maybe you can find that information.