  Public Ticket #1451279
some questions


  • Ruslan started the conversation


    Thank you for this plugin!

    Before purchase i want ask next question:

    1) How i can customize action? For example, before add new item, i need check some data? It impossible this do from php code?

    2) I read https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/front-end-editing/allowing-users-to-edit-only-their-own-data/

    Checkbox "Users see and edit only own data", but i need some else. I need to see item for all users, but only edit by owner. 

    See - all

    Edit - only owner.

    How i can do it?

    3) This purchase only for one site or more?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ruslan,
    Thank you for your inquire.

    1. We do have built in hooks in our plugin and list of item can be found in our - Documentation
    2. We do have option to see and edit their own data and option to restrict data to only one role but option for table to be editable just for it's owner we do not have built in. You could maybe separate add and preview in two separate tables with same MySQL table beneat  and show second one to all users. 
    3. As we are using Envato as the marketplace for selling the product, their licensing policies apply: https://codecanyon.net/licenses/terms/regular

      Their policy in general is: one license is per one domain or project.

      If your multiple sites are sub-sites of the same domain, and apply to the same project, you can use one license.

      If these are installed on different domains, and are different projects, you would need a separate license per each.

    For testing purpose we have sandbox website where you can see and test all plugin functionalities


    username: demo

    password: demo