  Public Ticket #1445318
Advanced filters is not working


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    Paul D. KPOGNON started the conversation


    I have the plugins wpDataTable which was working fine. But after the update, I notice that the Advanced filters is not working is no more working on my site (http://etlsx.ecowas.int/liste-de-produits-aggrees/?lang=fr).

    It's  giving "No matching records found".

    I have gone through all the setings but no good result.

    Please advise.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Paul,

    Please be aware that we don't do technical support in the "Pre-purchase question" section. To be able to get proper help you need to open a ticket in corresponding section of this support.

    What would be my best guess is that you created table from MySQL query which is more complex. If that is a case please create MySQL VIEW from that query and create a new table using it as a table source. If it is not please open a ticket and one of our support agents will help you with issue 

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    Paul D. KPOGNON replied

    Dear Miljko,

    Yes it was a mistak and there was no way I can cancel or delete the ticket.

    Thank you.
