  Public Ticket #1444504
Powerful Filters


  • Deva started the conversation

    To whom it may concern,

    Our client's website is currently using your wpdatatables plugin and although we have everything running smoothly in this regard (although the page has not been put live), he would like to inquire about your Powerful filters plugin as he wishes to change the process of how a user will retrieve the end results of the table.

    What he wants now is to hide the table completely until all the selections are made via the filtering process.

    He also wants to get rid of the Service Provider filter, leaving the Buildings and Service Providers filters to remain. The results based on the 2 filter process selection would show in the middle (he is saying that only 2 service providers max will be listed per building).

    eg) Buildings Filter - choose "436 Academy

          Services Filter - choose "Roof Repair"

    Results shown in side by side column fashion:


    Building         Service      First Service Provider Second Service Provider
    436 Academy  Roof Repair   Ash Roofing                  Normandeau Roofing

    I have attached a .png file to illustrate this better.

    So the question is. can the "Powerful filters" with a "Hide Table" setting accommodate what our client is asking for? 

    Can you please let me know

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Deva,

    "What he wants now is to hide the table completely until all the selections are made via the filtering process."

    - In Powerful filtering add-on there is a feature where you can hide the table before filtering. You can see example on this page from our documentation. The example with hidden table is at the bottom of the page.

    "He also wants to get rid of the Service Provider filter, leaving the Buildings and Service Providers filters to remain. The results based on the 2 filter process selection would show in the middle (he is saying that only 2 service providers max will be listed per building)."

    - It is possible with wpDataTables built-in features to disable filtering for one column. Eveything you have tot do is to uncheck Add a filter for this column option in column settings.

    Also main search field can be hidden in table settings on Sorting and Filtering tab.