  Public Ticket #1437958


  • Michael started the conversation

    The required fields are as follows in the database: Table: wp_cimy_uef_fields Inside this table are 3 labels, called “woonplaats”, “provincie” & “geboortedatum”

    Table: wp_cimy_uef_data
    Contains these values

    See the attachments

    So it is possible to have these fields function as a filter? The desired result: Filter by:
    Age (slider)
    Provincie (dropdown)
    City (single field)

    See my amateurist drawing ;)

    Also, is it possible to get information out of 1 database with 2 different tables?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Michael,
    Thank you for your inquire.

    I am not sure that I understood table structure correctly but we do have option to show information from two tables in one wpDataTable. You can find more information about it in our - Documentation

    We do not have filter type slider but do have range which will work the same purpose in different form. More information about filters could be found in our - Documentation