  Public Ticket #1429053
Deletion of Tables


  • BRYAN started the conversation

    I have been playing with the lite version and looking to purchase the plugin but was wondering when a table is deleted and you create a new table you lose the sequence, is there a way to restart it back to the last number? 

    For example: i have wpdatatable id = 1,2,3 and i delete 3, when i create a new table it goes to 4 and 3 is gone for good and  i want it to be 3, i tried changing the id in the database and it works fine but now when i create another table the shortcode is now 5.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi BRYAN,

    Something like that is not possible, because ID column in the wp_wpdatatables table in the database is auto increment column. It would be possible if you would run this query in the database:

    ALTER TABLE wp_wpdatatables AUTO_INCREMENT = 1

    Except you would need to replace number 1 with that number, but we suggest not to do this.