  Public Ticket #1422855
White screen in WP after updating Google Sheet(s)


  • nau-wcm-tools started the conversation

    We were very excited to pilot WP Data Tables with a real project. Unfortunately, we are experiencing a major problem and are now very much under the gun. I'm afraid I may need to abandon the plugin and start over with something else.

    As you can see at the URL provided above -- we have a simple, manually WPdataTables grid with 31 links, one for each day of the month. I would LOVE to hide the header row, but it seems I am unable to do so. Any ideas? Regardless, that's not the problem I'm most concerned with. 

    Each link in the grid points to a page with a single WPdataTables shortcode embed. Each of those was created by linking to a Google Sheet. The problem we have is that we can update everything in the sheets without incident except for what is currently displayed as the header row in a responsive table.

    I've attached several screenshots that show the spreadsheet and table though a progression of benign updates and the final destructive one that not only wrecks the page on the front end but also makes it impossible to access the table on the back end.

    This is a MAJOR concern and we need a quick solution or another plugin/approach ASAP. Six of 31 tables are now hosed, and rebuilding everything is not really a reasonable option.

    Please help. Thank you!

  •   Isidora replied privately