  Public Ticket #1419045
Working with PODs


  •  3
    Ian Randell started the conversation

    Dear Sirs,

    I have a CPT created with PODs which has approx. 100 fields. I need to create a table to display about 8 of those fields and they need to be searchable and filterable. One of the fields will be the Post title which will need to be a link to the actual post itself. I also need the table in either full or in filtered format to be downloadable into a CSV file with all 100 fields downloaded. I believe PODs does not create its own table within the database but adds the information into one of the existing Wordpress tables.

    Is what I am trying to achieve possible and if so, how will I avoid displaying or downloading any other information within the Wordpress table?

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ian,
    Thank you for your inquire.

    We do have option to create table from built in wordpress database. You can find more information about it in our - Documentation. It will allow you to choose exactly what data you want to show through graphic interface. It will list CPT as well as long as they are built on top of Wordpress native functionality. Also you can here set some conditions which  could help you to narrow down the results to only one that you wanted.

    We do have option to export data to the CSV built in and it work for whole table as well as filtered results.

    For testing purpose we have sandbox website where you can see and test all plugin functionalities


    username: demo

    password: demo