  Public Ticket #1387682
Filters and Sorting Capibilities


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    Mike Heine started the conversation

    We currently have a spreadsheet embedded on our website using "Awesome Table." 

    As we're a wordpress-built site, I would like to get away from using Awesome Tables and use a wordpress plugin to accomplish the same task.  

    What I need, though, is something that can replicate the "advanced" filtering available at this site: https://ddhs.ddschools.org/edguidetest/#tab-id-2

    In otherwords, I need something where I can do drop-down and keyword filtering across multiple columns. An example, I need to find all "MATH" courses for grades "9 & 10". The table then filters out (removes) all other rows except for those that contain "Math" and both grades "9 & 10." 

    Is this possible to sort by multiple columns in your plugin and have it only show responses that fit the criteria? 

    See screenshot attachment for example. 

    Please advise. 

    Thank you. 

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    Marcio Vieyra replied

    Hey Mike,

    I purchased the table a few hours ago, and to answer your question, YES this can be done!!!

    I follow the instructions on this page: https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/advanced-filtering/

    You can check out what I'm working on here: http://queridas.com.ar/sandbox/ayuda/guia-nacional-de-recursos/

    It reads data from a Google Spreadsheet <3

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Mike and Marcio,
    Thank you for your inquire.

    As Marcio already correctly suggested we do have advanced filtering which works very similar to your example. You can find all the information about it in the link that Marcio left below. 

    For testing purpose we have sandbox website where you can see and test all plugin functionalities


    username: demo

    password: demo