  Public Ticket #1381570
Data Table and Reports Addon


  • Paul Thomas started the conversation

    I need a solution where I have a master table which will collect data on readings taken by the user. The user will enter the data into a table that is a copy of the master for a single day. Each day I need a fresh table from the master to allow a new set of data to be entered. Therefore each post in wordpress will be for a single day with unique data for that day. At the end of the day the user will need to print out the data table in a report. Is this possible?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Paul Thomas,
    Thank you for the inquiry.

    It is possible to make tables front-end editable with our plugin, and it is also possible to print the table. Unfortunately your use case is not possible out of the box but probably it can be achieved with some custom coding.

    You can try our sandbox site: Front-end & Back-end - you can find a fully functional version there to try out all plugin features.

  • Paul Thomas replied


    Many thanks for your  reply. Would your company do the customisation or would I need to find a programmer to do this?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Paul Thomas,

    Unfortunately we are currently working full capacity and don't have available developers for customizations.