  Public Ticket #1377595
Toggles / Dropdowns


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    Przemyslaw started the conversation

    Hey guys,

    I have seen this attached screenshot on your website, and wanted to ask if this toggles / dropdowns is possible to create with your plugin? Or if this is some customization which is not included.

    Many thanks for your efforts and best regards


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Przemyslaw,
    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Something like this is possible out of the box features. This feature is for mobile and tablet devices. But if you want to show the table this way on your desktop screen, you will have to enable Responsiveness feature for the table, check hide on table for each table that you want to hide, and on wpDataTables settings page for Tablet width add some value that is wider than your desktop screen (e.g. 4000).

    You can try our sandbox site: Front-end & Back-end - you can find a fully functional version there to try out all plugin features.

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    Przemyslaw replied

    Hi Milos

    Many thanks for the answer. Ok I get it. This are columns which are showns additionally when there is not enough space.

    I am looking for some thing else. I have attached a screenshot, so that you will see what I mean. This feature would be great to have. 

    Otherwise if not possible, another question: Is it possible to use shortcodes from our theme, within the tables plugin? 

    Thanks & best regards


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Przemyslaw,

    Unfortunately something like this is possible just with some custom coding. We accept other WordPress shortcodes that will be rendered in the table cell. Everything you have to do is to enable Parse Shortcodes option on wpDataTables settings page.

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    Przemyslaw replied

    Hi Milos

    Many thanks, again. I have purchased now the plugin and will have a look on it.

    Best regards


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Przemyslaw,

    Thank you for the purchase. If you have any questions and need support with the plugin please open a support ticket in wpDataTables category with your purchase key and our support agents will be glad to help you.