  Public Ticket #1366773
Feature question


  • Andrew Abbott started the conversation


    I am considering purchasing your wpdatatables plugin. However, one feature which I would like to see would be the ability to press a 'load more rows' button, instead of pagination.

    E.g. Instead of having five pages for a 50 record dataset set to show ten rows per page, you could press 'load more rows' button four times to load the rest of the data table.

    Is this possible?

    Kind regards,

    Andrew Abbott

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Andrew,
    Thank you for your inquire.

    Unfortunately we do not have that functionality built in at this moment, but we are working on solution which should work similar to this and it should be implemented in one of the future updates.

    If you need this functionality right now and your project couldn't wait we can offer you an option to built it for you as a custom solution. 

  • Andrew Abbott replied

    Thank you for this - we are exploring our options at the moment. We have a deadline set for our preferred solution in just over one months' time. Do you have a target date for adding this functionality to a future update?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Andrew,

    We are in the final stage of testing version which should be out in next couple of days. We plan to implement it in the version after that but I am not sure if this will actually happen so I would rather not make any promises at this point.