  Public Ticket #1363614
user customization


  • alex started the conversation


    i am working on an app that will accept user data and create charts based on the info they upload from an ios/android app we are making. the data is quite simple just distance, time, strokes, and stroke rate.  its for rowing racing and we would like to have each user of the site have their own dashboard with personal statistics visualized with your plugin.  we would like calculate averages over time and ups and down from the week before.

    is it possible to add a field like country and then have charts made based on country/region that the user selects they are in? this is the functionality i need and i feel like this plugin may be the answer.  does what i need come out of the box? if not what type of customization would this require.

    thank you


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you for your inquire.

    With current built in features best scenario would be to upload all the files in one table in MySQL and then create a table based on that MySQL table. Next create a chart from wpDataTable table and turn "follow table filtering" feature. This feature requires table presents on the page but you can hide it with css and just leave a column filter with Country/Region. This way when user choose a country from a filter it will show table with filtered data for that Country/Region and chart would be updated to preview only that data.

    If this is not acceptable solution for you than we probably need to build custom project for this and if that is suitable for you please contact me at mail from my signature and we will procced there  

  • alex replied

    great that sounds awesome.  does that mean the first part of my message is possible? to have individual tables forevery user.  is data enterable on the front end via a csv that could update their statistics?  how would that work?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Alex,

    It is possible to have individual tables for every user but you need to create them and put shortcode with appropriate table ID on that user page. This could be also done by creating a table upon user login or some similar action but we do not have that functionality built in and it will require code customization.

    Data is enterable from the frontend for the MySQL based tables (tables created with MySQL query or manually created tables) but users need to enter that data manually
    You can find more information about it in our - Documentation

    Also you can test all the feature from our plugin in our sandbox website:


    username: demo

    password: demo