  Public Ticket #1360209
Issues with caching in front end


  •  1
    ybzybz started the conversation


    This is a repeating issue. 

    Whenever we change the definition of the table display, we have to clean all the caches (W3TC and browser) in order to see the changes. I can understand that at development time this can happen, but this issue happens also when not developing. 

    We are testing this from several browsers at different times. Almost whenever we get to test this table after sometime that we did not touch it, it goes back to the basic display, with no formatting and no functionality. After manually cleaning the caches it appears OK again. 

    For the development phase I can accept that, although other plugins actually do not suffer from such issues (even if I am doing CSS updates!), but for the production real live website this is not acceptable. 

    How this can be solved? We can tell our customers to clean their caches. We are not in the 90s anymore...



  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi ybzybz,
    Thank you for your purchase.

    When you make any changes on table in backend it should be reflected on frontend when you load the page.

    Can you please explain me what changes do you make that cause not reflecting in browsers and send me some example/screenshot so I can investigate.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

    wpDataTables: FAQFacebookTwitterFront-end and back-end demoDocs

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  •  1
    ybzybz replied

    Hi Milan,

    It happens practically whenever we do something with the table. Any modification can cause these problems. I've been working with this table in two sites (both are my sites, an old one and a new one). I've been using Chrome or FireFox on multiple computers. The problem persist. After modification of anything in the table back end, in most case (not always though), there is need to clean the W3TC cache and the browser cache to see the update. In many cases, if we don't clean both caches, then we either get to see a very basic table (with no filter functionality) or it does not appear at all!!! 

    It is not a specific case. It is all the time, in both sites. 

  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi ybzybz,

    Can you please try to disable that plugin W3TC and then check is the issue still there?

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

    wpDataTables: FAQFacebookTwitterFront-end and back-end demoDocs

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  •  1
    ybzybz replied

    Hi Milan, 

    Of course I can, but I must say that this is not the reaction I would expect from you. W3TC is one of the most commonly used cache plugins and many plugins are working with it. You should be able to test it yourself and learn how to work with this plugin. 

    Turning it off will probably solve the problem, but this is not a solution. 


  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi ybzybz,

    Thank you for your honesty. We can feel your frustration and of course it is not in our interest to get our users frustrated. We are trying to figure out what causing the issue that customers provide to us. I will forward this to my team to put this issue on TO DO list for future. Thank you very much for reporting this. We appreciate that.

    Sorry for any inconvenience,

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

    wpDataTables: FAQFacebookTwitterFront-end and back-end demoDocs

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  •  1
    ybzybz replied

    Dear Milan, 

    The issue is driving me crazy. I don't see how you don't see that in your work. I've been implementing this plugin in 2 different sites (the old and new one of our company), and this problem is the same. 

    NOTE - it seems that the CSS is loaded in delay. I've noticed that it shows the raw data first and only after a second or so, IF THE CACHE IS CLEAN, the formatting appears as well. If the cache is not clear, then it looks like the CSS is not activated and the formatting remains raw.

    We still see that all caches must be cleared to see the table properly and use its (great) functionality. It does not make sense. By the way - I also tried to exclude the page with the table from the W3TC cache, but it didn't help. The browser cache must be cleared as well, EACH TIME!!!



  •   ybzybz replied privately
  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi ybzybz,

    We saw that you have issue on frontend because is not include our bootstrap on page. When theme or another plugin use bootstrap our bootstrap is not include because we supposed that they use original not custom one. We make same changes in plugin in file: 

    wp-content/plugins/wpdatatables/source/class.wdttools.php around line 803

    if (!$bootstrapEnqueued) {    
    wp_enqueue_script('wdt-bootstrap', WDT_JS_PATH . 'bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js', array('jquery'), false, true);

    and we remove if statment so the code look like this:

    wp_enqueue_script('wdt-bootstrap', WDT_JS_PATH . 'bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js', array('jquery'), false, true);

    You can check on you website table is shown, but dropdawn in not working because of the conflict with theme bootstrap. When we remove theme bootstrap from browser dropdown is working. Is it possible that you change the theme?

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

    wpDataTables: FAQFacebookTwitterFront-end and back-end demoDocs

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  •  1
    ybzybz replied

    Hi Milan, 

    I checked the code and it looks like that:

        public static function enqueueBootstrapJS() {
            global $wp_scripts;
            $bootstrapEnqueued = false;
            if ($wp_scripts !== null) {
                foreach ($wp_scripts->registered as $script) {
                    if ((stristr($script->src, 'bootstrap.min.js') !== false ||
                            stristr($script->src, 'bootstrap.js') != false) &&
                        wp_script_is($script->handle, 'enqueued')
                    ) {
                        $bootstrapEnqueued = true;
                wp_enqueue_script('wdt-bootstrap', WDT_JS_PATH . 'bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js', array('jquery'), false, true);

    There was no

    if (!$bootstrapEnqueued) {

    One more thing - as the update of this plugin is done by deleting all files of the previous version and copying the new files, how do you expect us to monitor such critical changes?

  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi ybzybz,

    Like i said in previous post we make that changes when we access to you website. This issue we have only with some of the themes that use custom bootstrap. We are collecting that themes that have conflict with our bootstrap to investigate what causing the issue. For now for next update this will be overwritten so you have to come here and do it again until we implement solution for this.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

    wpDataTables: FAQFacebookTwitterFront-end and back-end demoDocs

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  •  1
    ybzybz replied

    Ok, I understand. These are basically two problems: 

    1. The bootstrap conflict that occurs with upgrade version from you. 

    2. The caching problem, which is still a problem, if you don't clear the browser cache!!!! 

     Check for yourself - it is still not working!!!  https://enspire.science/about-us/track-record/ 

  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi Yoram,

    1.Like I said before we are collecting that themes and plugins that use custom bootstap.js that have conflict with our bootstrap to investigate what causing the issue. 

    2. We change some table functionality like turning on Scrollable and changing display length and it's reflected on website without clearing the cache.(attachment) 

    If you have still issue that is probably because of the cache plugin and also we notice that you are using some rocket script in script tags. That is probably from some plugin that also can be the reason why you have this issue.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

    wpDataTables: FAQFacebookTwitterFront-end and back-end demoDocs

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  •  1
    ybzybz replied

    Hi Milan, 

    I checked this again, this time from Firefox, and the problem is still there. I had to clean the Firefox cache in order for this to go away. 

    I suggest that you will try several times (not once or twice) to change things in the table and I believe that you will see the problem yourself.  


  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi ybzybz,

    We notice that and solution for that issue you can find on this link How to exclude a post or page from being cached by W3 Total Cache.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

    wpDataTables: FAQFacebookTwitterFront-end and back-end demoDocs

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  •  1
    ybzybz replied

    Hi Milan, 

    Just to inform you that even after removing the page from all caches, the problem persist! Sometimes it looks just fine and beautiful, and sometimes it looks really bad and without the filtering functionality. Something is not loaded as it should load. 

    In parallel, I opened yesterday another ticket about a different bug. You can check it as well. 

    Currently we have implemented two tables in two pages (https://enspire.science/about-us/track-record/  and https://enspire.science/grants/erc-consulting/erc-peer-review-panels/). None of these pages is cached anymore, but both are not working properly. 

    I have also contacted the developers of the theme to see if they can help. I will update. 



  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi Yoram,

    We notice that you have more plugins that working with cache. 

    Can you please exclude pages where you are using wpdatatables in that plugins and check again?

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

    wpDataTables: FAQFacebookTwitterFront-end and back-end demoDocs

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  •  1
    ybzybz replied

    Hi Milan, 

    I have the W3TC and the SG Optimizer, but both of them are not active on these pages. We have excluded these pages from the cache. 

    The problem persists. You can check yourself. 


  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi Yoram,

    Can you please try to disable that Rocket loader that add rocketscript for scripts on the page?

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

    wpDataTables: FAQFacebookTwitterFront-end and back-end demoDocs

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  •  1
    ybzybz replied

    Hi Milan, 

    Yes, I did and it looks much much better. 



  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi Yoram,

    Sorry for late response. 

    We are located in Serbia and our working time is from 10:00 to 17:00 CET. business days.

    You are welcome.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

    wpDataTables: FAQFacebookTwitterFront-end and back-end demoDocs

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    You can try our wpDataTables add-ons before purchase on these sandbox sites:

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