  Public Ticket #1359949
Combining Form and wpdatatable dbase pulls


  •  1
    Alan started the conversation

    Is there any functionality you have or planned to use the wpdatatable function of pulling MYSQL data to a form instead of a table?  Or rather can we design a table to look like a form.  For example, we want to pull invoice data for customers from our dbase and the entries come out in an invoice form we can print, same to be said for receipts or other info we want to design and not a table regular format.  MS Access has this since one can define a form there and it shows data, 1 rec at a time using the Next Rec function.  Be perfect if your team could capture that.

    Or does your ADDON for reporting go this route?  Trying to figure a way to use what you have to do this sort of thing.  Invoices, Receipts, Email notices, etc.  Not just printing but using the object or file in emails or saving back to another dbase/table.  Just curious.

    The more we look at the Reporting ADDON, it seems your Travel Agency example is what we are looking for.  We should be able to create any doc, and able to edit it.

    However, one last thought since we think this almost will work, is does editing the data update the table in reverse and hence update the database.  As if we took invoice data, updated the sale or changed something, this helps not having to update the table instead.  Hope this did not get to unclear.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Alan,
    Thank you for your inquire.

    Data can be present in form or table or chart at this moment. It could possible be done with customization but I will need more details about project to be able to tell you any estimation. 
    Report Builder works by taking it data from one table and create report in form of word or excel document/s. We do not have option to update parent table with report.

    You can try all of this in our sandbox website:


    username: demo

    password: demo