  Public Ticket #1359791


  • Rob started the conversation

    Hi all,

    I am curious if your plugin is able to keeps the styles from excel via when I important a spreadsheet? For example, I have a client that styles his spreadsheets within excel (i.e. background color, text color, images, etc.) With your plugin is he able to import the file so that it will keep the same style but be responsive on the front-end of the website? 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Rob,
    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Unfortunately no. We suggest to our users to clear all formatting in Excel files before uploading file to the wpDataTables plugin. You can change styling directly in plugin on wpDataTables settings page or by writing custom CSS.

    You can try our sandbox site: Front-end & Back-end - you can find a fully functional version there to try out all plugin features.