  Public Ticket #1334087
Data import to wpdatatables


  • ccsnjf started the conversation


    I used version 1.7 lightly but not extensively.  One of the deficiencies I thought was an API or GUI to upload additional data rows - additional data - to an existing table. I have a data table which I regularly append new data to and the only way to do this was to interact directly with the MySQL tables.

    Is there any way to upload and append largish data sets (50,000 rows+) and keep appending to them within the plugin itself?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Neil,

    We do have option to upload data from various sources to MySQL and create table from that data but, at this moment table like that could be updated only from the table editor of our plugin. We do not have option to upload new file to add new data to that table but through Excel like editor you have option to add more than one raw of the data at the same time.

    For 50k+ rows best approach would be to initially upload the data to MySQL with some database management system like phpMyAdmin to reduce some steps in process and prevent possible problems with memory and then create table in our plugin from it which you can update with new data through built in editors 

  • wiredlisa replied

    Is it possible to import data into the wordpress table that WP Tables creates using PhpMyAdmin or one of the available CSV Import Plugins? At a minimum it would be nice if a WP Table Format could be saved and then applied to an imported data table. This would save time and ensure uniformity. Almost all data gets old and has to be updated. Probably 99% of users are having to go thru what are often extensive formatting processes with every update.