  Public Ticket #1257099
Updating a data source


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    Aaron started the conversation

    I am trying to expose a wpDataTable that pulls data from a document that can be updated. 

    My hope is that I can build a wpDataTable from an existing data source that can be editted from the front end of my worpress site but also able to be overwritten, by saving a newer document over the one used to create the wpDataTable. 

    Is this possible? 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Aaron,

    Unfortunately not at this moment. Only MySQL based table are front-end editable and we are working on solution that will allow you to update table, previously created by importing document to MySQL, with newer document but I couldn't tell you when this will be released. 

    Closest solution for this problem would be to import document data through our plugin in MySQL and make it editable and then, when needed, update table in MySQL directly by uploading CSV version of document in phpMyAdmin  

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    allanbezerra replied

    I would like to see these requested implemented. This is a frequent action for me, update a wpdatatable with a newer CVS file.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Allanbezerra,

    I will mark this as multiple requested so hopefully it will go up on our TODO list. Thank you for reporting. 

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    Aaron replied

    Thank you for the information Miljko, we will probably try the MySQL option were we will then overwrite the data source at a later date.