  Public Ticket #1245638
MySQL Table Querying


  •  2
    Jesse started the conversation

    Hello there. I would like to know if in the new versions it is possible to query from two or more tables, using joins or something like that.

    Another unrelated questionÇ is there a tool that we can use to save our wpdatatables as scripts so we can recover it later? I ask because as our application grows we are having more and more customization that take times to do manually in case we lost it.

    Thank you very much

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jesse,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    "Hello there. I would like to know if in the new versions it is possible to query from two or more tables, using joins or something like that."

    It was always possible to create MySQL query based wpDataTable that will fetch data from two or more tables, but there was limitation if you are joining tables you can't make that wpDataTable editable.

    From version 2.0 it is possible to use Foreign Key feature two join two or more tables and make that wpDataTable editable. Please take a look at our documentation section about Foreign Key support at this link.

    "Another unrelated questionÇ is there a tool that we can use to save our wpdatatables as scripts so we can recover it later? I ask because as our application grows we are having more and more customization that take times to do manually in case we lost it."

    You can make a backup of your database where all wpDataTables are stored.