  Public Ticket #1239236
Color and font setting dont save (version 2.0)


  •  2
    Priit started the conversation


    I can not save my color and font settings. (and now tables look terrible) After I make changes it says saved but once I leave page and come back is emty again.

    Using latest Wordpress and other plugins are nicely up to date as well!!!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Priit,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    Can you please try to click Reset colors and fonts to default button and then try to save color and font settings?

  •  2
    Priit replied

    Worked. Thanks for that! (and for fast reply) 

    But super stupid that is not working from beginning...spent 2 hours reading comments and figuring out sulutions.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Priit,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. This is the little bug that we will fix for the next update. Thank you for reporting it.

    We'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a minute and leave a review about version 2.0 on CodeCanyon on this link. Thanks!

  •  2
    atef_wagih replied


    Sorry where is version 2?

    The version on Codecanyon has "Version 2 beta" in its main php file. and there are no update alerts when I check for new updates in my Wordpress installation.
